Celebrating President Trump’s landslide victory in Africa.
America’s Foreign policy towards Africa has been harsh and oppressive under the Biden/Harris Administration.
The Biden/Harris team has:
-Turned a blind eye to the genocide and ethnic cleansing happening in Ethiopia.
-Allowed for the looting and embezzlement of #ClimateFinance that has been poured into Africa. Vice President Kamala Harris presented $7 billion in ‘Climate related funding investments’ to Africa, little has been accomplished with that ‘investment’; Time to hold all the climate charlatans accountable.
-Allowed for vaccine trials and unethical harmful practices so as to appease and please the Democrat donors.
-Forced countries in Africa (Uganda in particular) to denounce their sovereignty and accept America’s ‘wokeness’ especially on homosexuality. Uganda has every right to stand its ground on issues it did not condone. The sanctions imposed on Uganda by the Biden administration were grossly punitive and unfair.
-Coerced African countries to take foreign aid including ‘grain from Ukraine’, when our own farmers had plenty and becried the lack of a market for their produce.
-Exploited the #ClimateAction ideology by promoting geoengineering and cloud seeding experiments, further exacerbating climate and weather challenges in Africa.
-Funded proxy wars in the continent that led to loss of innocent African lives, destruction of their livelihoods, farmers lost their lands and were forced to leave their countries, creating what they now call ‘Climate Migrants’. Totally absurd!
-Exploited the droughts by claiming food insecurity, so as to allow their donors to push the genetically modified organisms, seeds and animal husbandry. Exploiting African farmers and punitively forcing laws that threaten their Agriculture.
Celebrating Trump’s Victory; Make Africa Great Again; Make Africa Healthy Again. #afribundance.