King Charles III is visiting Kenya as part of the fake Decolonization Agenda.

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King Charles III and Queen Camilla are visiting Kenya, where he expressed “deepest regret” for Colonial wrongdoings and atrocities in Kenya, stating that there was ‘no excuse’ for the colonial violence that took place. We are calling a lot of bluff on this visit. 10 years ago, the UK government announced payments of almost £20m to more than 5,000 people in Kenya, as part of reparations in what the government claimed was “regrets that these abuses took place”. So why are Kenyans receiving an apology in person a decade later? So why was Kenya chosen as the King’s first visit to a Commonwealth nation? Why Kenya? Why Now? The answer lies in a new global move. A fake Decolonization Agenda. Here is why.

Kenya's President William Ruto and First Lady hosting King Charles III and Queen Camilla: Image Source WSR Facebook

Decolonization Agenda.

The fake decolonization agenda is an attempt to tell Africans what they want to hear, so that the West can access Africa’s natural resources for their renewable energy needs.  Thus, the World Economic Forum (WEF) has a new agenda for the developing world. The Decolonization Agenda. In June 2023, The United Nations concluded a 2023 Session, with the Decolonization Special Committee Approving texts, recommendations, and report on implementing this decade for eradicating colonialism. 

There have been calls from media outlets and politicians funded by the WEF partners to decolonize everything. Everything that bears a colonial name such as  parks, monuments and water bodies, lakes, falls, rivers and so forth named after colonial-time figures. The media and politicians  have been flashing us with ways to Decolonize Climate Action, Decolonize Energy, Decolonize Agriculture etc. 

Ironically, they are asking us to ditch our own natural resources to embrace ‘unclean’ energy that will enslave us in more debt for longer. One prominent example is the UK government “helping” Kenya  build the High Grand Falls Dam that will cost approximately KSH.425billion. The UK will fund, design, build, own and operate the project for decades to recover their costs. So we will be enslaved in debt for decades, while Afribundance exposed that we have an aquifer in Kenya that if explored, could supply the entire country with water and meet its water needs for at least 70 years. 7 Decades!

 The UK claims that this dam will help provide renewable energy for Kenya, and address climate challenges like food insecurity through irrigation. This is one of the REAL  untold reasons for King Charles visiting  Kenya, to drum up support directly or indirectly for this mega project. Another reason is for the other proposed projects through the climate financing that Kenya and UK agreed upon, to have Ksh.500 billion of British investment flow to Kenya. 

Kenya has been earning and generating revenues from carbon credits auctions and that is one reason that foreign investors are now rushing into Kenya, even to offer half-hearted or coerced ‘colonial apologies’. 

Laughably, yesterday the US President Joe Biden pledged to make Nairobi the investment magnet in Africa. On the other hand, President Biden revealed plans to expel Uganda, Gabon, Niger and the Central African Republic from the US-Africa trade partnership (AGOA). Follow the Climate financing here, you will easily see why Kenya is the WEF and the West’s favorite investment country.

Why should the King apologize while African leaders have committed worse atrocities post-colonization?

What should the King apologize for? The great free education and scholarships that these African leaders received, yet they enslave us in education debt from their enormous corruption and greed? Should the king apologize for Africans’ eclectic taste in expensive western fashion, that they don recklessly? Have you seen or heard of the Les Sapeurs or La Sape from the Congo? The poorest of men in the world that wear the most expensive French designer clothes and labels? They have refused to wear anything ‘African’. Should the King apologize for that too? We called out Kenya’s First lady for wearing a very expensive belt during Kenya’s Utamaduni (culture/tradition) day. Of all the days that she could have put on any other traditional/cultural African accessories like the beautiful Maasai leather belts, to showcase Africa’s rich culture, she chose to show off in a Valentino belt and some expensive ‘un-African’ shoes.

 Should the King apologize for the African politicians and governments’ large mansions whose architecture they exaggeratedly borrowed from the West? The ‘Mac-mansions’ that they have expanded making them even larger, from  embezzled public funds? What happened to living in African huts? I thought you claim colonization was so bad? 

Should the King apologize for Christianity that these African leaders have chosen to weaponize repeatedly in Africa? Shouldn’t they be apologizing to us first for all the atrocities upon us citizens?  Shouldn’t Kenya’s current President Ruto and former Presidents Kenyatta and Kibaki  apologize for the burning and massacre of victims in the Kiambaa church, who were burned alive so that these men could retain power in Kenya? 

Should the King also apologize for Africa’s poor governance and weak institutions?  These leaders are yet to demand an apology from the terrorists that bombed Africans in Kenya and Tanzania. What about all the insurgents and terrorists terrorizing Africans at the leadership of these incompetent African leaders? Should the King apologize for that too? 

One of the politicians calling for the King to apologize, was among a group of men tortured and sent to detention in a dungeon for criticizing the oppressive past regimes in the country after colonization. Many of these men had to run into hiding in exile to the lands of their former colonial masters. Oh, the irony! Should the King apologize for taking them in and providing a safe haven for them? While they faced death back home?

Why are these leaders not pointing fingers at themselves? After all, they are the ones signing these dubious deals, without a gun pointed to their heads.

 Look at the countries in Africa that were never colonized, they are not doing any better either. How many Ethiopians have been killed or are starving to death? more than a million lives lost in the last three years! What about the ugly civil war in Liberia? Those countries were never colonized, and their gross human rights abuses  is unspeakable.

Colonization was a two-edge sword!

Thank goodness that colonization happened then. Colonization brought in SCIENCE that would explain phenomena. This replaced the lies created through witchcraft that led to the unnecessary ignorant lynching of innocent ‘suspects’. 

Why is it that our African politicians and leaders seek to attend hospitals in those colonizer countries and not in their own countries, so many years post-colonization? You mean that they entrust their dying selves to their former colonial masters than their own doctors back at home? Oh, and they send their children to schools abroad too. To those same countries that they so claim to hate! At this point, they should be the ones apologizing or thanking the King.

We can’t have it both ways, we have to take the good and the ills of colonization, and learn from them. Colonization did cut good and bad, you can’t take the good and not learn from the bad. What Slavery?

 Oh yeah, that was really bad, but let us address the worst form of slavery, which is modern-day slavery. How many Africans are enslaved by fellow Africans and even sold off to this day for as little as $400? Did you miss that expose by  CNN ? How many Africans work tirelessly for months on end, without any pay or compensation whatsoever and under very poor working conditions? 

Have you seen the most recent taxation bill in Kenya? The housing tax akin to the colonial hut tax? What about the outrageous proposed carbon or pollution tax in Kenya? Or the absurd proposed taxation of personal items both new and old items worth ($500) that should be declared when entering Kenya? That would mean double, triple or quadruple taxation on our expensive work laptops or cameras when entering Kenya each time. Surely, even the colonizers were not as rogue as this current Kenyan government!  

So why would Kenyan politicians demand an apology from the King? We get the much demanded apology from the King, then what? We are then enslaved in even more debt in dubious deals?

For sixty years post-colonization, Africans are still dying from hunger, starvation, wars, diseases , vaccine and medical experiments, all because our leaders have proved to be incapable of leading without corruption or coercion from the West. They are too eager to please others at the expense of their own citizenry. 

What about the hundreds of thousands  of African refugees and migrants that have drowned in the High Seas as they migrate to other continents while escaping the torture they face in their own continent? Have any of the self-righteous and very sanctimonius African leaders or politicians apologized for this? This atrocious human smuggling and trafficking? No! The nerve, that they should demand an apology from the King while they have blood on their own hands. 

Granted, two wrongs don’t make a right, but African leaders should be the last to demand any apology whatsoever. For every colonial atrocity, we can name five from African leaders. Also, why do the tribal chiefs and home guards that tortured and sold slaves to the West get to walk scot-free? Absolved from the guilt and shame of apologizing? Not Fair!

This decolonization agenda is a huge hoax, calling for climate justice through climate reparations and so forth. It is time that African leaders took responsibility for their own actions. Afribundance has repeatedly exposed that corruption and greed in Africa have done more harm than colonization. Let us point some fingers at ourselves, and learn that Africa was not the only continent that was colonized. Some countries such as the United States have grown past the colonization miasma of self-pity and poverty, by building structures and institutions to become world leaders. Over to you Africa! We have to own our stuff, we can’t blame colonization forever. It is time to ‘grow-up’, learn from the past and stop electing corrupt leaders that sign up for neocolonialism! 

Update: Today November 1, 2023: Germany’s President also apologized and sought forgiveness for colonial-era atrocities in Tanzania that happened over a century ago. Coincidence? No! It’s all part of this fake Decolonization Agenda, to get access to Africa’s rich natural resources and wealth AGAIN! 

Why then won’t Tanzania’s president  Samia Suluhu Hassan apologize for the ongoing human rights abuses and violations against the Maasai in Loliondo, Ngorongoro Tanzania, who are losing their ancestral lands to foreign Western conservancies under Samia’s failed leadership? See the hypocrisy here?

Written by  Njeri Robinson.        Njeri is an  International Humanitarian Affairs Analyst, researching on African Affairs for 20 years.