Various African countries are celebrating their 6th decade of self-rule. For instance, Kenya is celebrating its 60th anniversary as an independent country from colonial rule. This remarkable achievement came through the heroic efforts of various groups that fought for Kenya’s independence, especially the Mau-Mau. The Mau-Mau was a united group of Kenyan freedom fighters and field marshals that vehemently resisted the British authorities, demanding that they leave their country, and go back to theirs. This group vowed to ‘die on their knees’ than surrender to the ‘White Man’. So many years later, Kenya and the rest of Africa is still acting like a spoiled teenage brat that still blames colonization for her myriad of problems while continuously making poor choices and decisions.
Notably, Africa lacks the intellectual Mau-Mau to fight the imposed foreign ideologies being imposed on them especially those regarding Climate-Health. PTSD? We get that but this is not that. Why? We talked to real Mau-Mau fighters and supporters, who made us aware that they were never afraid of the British man, but of their own people who tortured them in their struggle for independence. The African home-guards and chiefs that had a little power bestowed upon them by the colonialists, tortured their own folk. These were the people selling their own brothers and sisters as slaves, for a frivolous few goodies from the British.
Sixty years later, some of the biggest corruption scandals in Africa are so embarrassing to write about, that it is absurd to think that the government officials involved still get to keep their plum jobs. Why would the Kenyan government import edible oils through dubious deals only to later claim that the oil was not edible nor fit for consumption? The oil would later go missing in thin air. Similarly, we saw this graft with maize imports. Importing food while our own farmers are wasting food becrying a lack of market for their produce. Why would Kenya’s government see so much money lost for projects like dams that never materialize, and keep whining about climate change drying our water sources? Kenya’s government officials have been signing dubious deals with foreigners to accelerate unnecessary/harmful vaccine provision, invest in ‘climate-smart’ projects that will enslave Kenyans for decades to come. Only motivation to do this is the kick-backs they receive from these rogue investors. Yet, they shamelessly blame colonization for keeping us poor!
Additionally, African Climate activists have not studied nor cited any climate change reports, and rely on their feelings or emotions based evoked by the media. The irony is that we have exposed that Africa’s media is mostly funded by rogue investors who stand to gain a lot from this foreign Climate-Health ideology that they are imposing forcefully onto Africans. Our media personalities continuously feed the masses with stories of diseases, hunger, poverty all curated to show the exaggerated impact of climate change in Africa. Most of the media houses are too weak to challenge these controlled narratives to avoid losing their funding.
The media ought to be questioning other causes of weather related natural disasters. We know that Kenya and other African countries have been allowing some of their donors/investors to carry out cloud seeding and other weather modification technologies that have been known to cause heavy floods, natural disasters and worse still other unknowns. Of course journalists and activists are making too much money from their funders to even think of questioning this. Clearly, we are not to find any journalistic ‘Mau-Mau’ group in Africa, to fight imposed climate ideology or question these weather modification technologies. They blindly blame climate change without question or regard for reasoning.
The same applies to other fields like doctors, researchers, scientists, teachers, professors, who are funded by the same perpetrators of evil on our continent. We have seen these groups push for bad vaccines, those that Afribundance has exposed as harmful to our children. Yet what we see is a flooding of constant unscientific lies to push for more harmful vaccines on to our children. Again, we lack a science-based Mau-Mau that will rise up to challenge these lies.
In Kenya and Africa at large, ignorance is bliss. Look at the way our media is constantly reporting on the ongoing wars abroad, the Russia-Ukraine war and the Israel-Hamas war. Yet they neglect the proxy wars happening in our continent. Whatever happened to the Sudan war? It is still ongoing but we would never know. The media rarely reports on this, nor on the ongoing genocide in Ethiopia, the conflicts in Congo, Mali, Burkina Faso, Madagascar and in various countries in Africa. The earthquake victims in Libya and Morocco are now forgotten. Has anyone cared to hazard a guess or an investigation on how some of these disasters are occurring? No! They choose to bury their heads under the sand. No mau-mau in Africa to fight foreign ideology imposed upon us.
A few months ago, agriculturalists and pseudo-scientists funded by rogue donors claimed that Kenyans were feeding on weeds. This was intentionally done to show that our children suffer from malnutrition and desperately need ‘fortified’ foods from these same donors/investors. They expressed the dire need for biofortified food that is bioengineered to ‘save Africans’. Scam. Now the Kenyan/African scientists involved in this report have been feeding on the said ‘weeds’ all their life, yet failed to defend their traditional foods, and went on to curate a narrative that fits that which was fed to them by the people funding their plum paychecks. Again degrading Africa’s food by introducing foreign ideology that is unnecessary and at worst harmful to our health. Where is the intellectual mau-mau to fight this?